Monday, April 29, 2013

Sing A Rainbow - 3rd Annual Benefit Concert - American Cancer Society - Saturday May 4th, 2013 at 7:00 PM

This Saturday, May 4th, 2013, it's the Sing A Rainbow - 3rd Annual Benefit Concert for The American Cancer Society. Live at the Randolph Performing Arts Center at The Music Den.

Featuring Nikki Briar, Rachel Allyn, Nikki Britt, Karen Kamenetsky & Friends, Jack Tannehill, The Signifyers, and Lona Alpert.


Sing A Rainbow - 3rd Annual Benefit Concert
A Fundraising Concert for The American Cancer Society
Sponsored by Rainbow Racers - A Relay for Life Team

Saturday May 4th, 2013 at 7:00 PM
Ticket Price $20.00 in Advance, $25 at the Door

The Randolph Performing Arts Center
The Music Den
1030 Route 10 West
Randolph, New Jersey 07869
Phone: 973.927.5800

Artist Information:

A Message from Sandy Rosenfield (Taken from Sing A Rainbow's Website)

Dear Friends,
Here we are once again, getting ready for the 3rd Annual Sing A Rainbow Concert. For three years now, my friends and I have committed to raising funds for the American Cancer Society. This year, Sing a Rainbow will be Saturday, May 4th at the Randolph Performing Arts Center located at the Music Den, Rt 10 West in Randolph, New Jersey. Over the past two years, we raised more than $5,000.00 and all proceeds went to the American Cancer Society. 

If you've been to this site before, you know that I am a breast cancer survivor. I am currently celebrating twelve years of good health. This year's message is a thank you to those who have helped me to achieve this survivorship. 

I owe many thanks to so many. I extend my thanks to the American Cancer Society, as a source of education, research and support to medical professionals, institutions, cancer patients, their families, caretakers and supporters on a worldwide basis. I thank my doctors, Dr. Mohan Sehdev, surgeon, Dr. Meryl Ram, oncologist, and Dr. Alan Scher, radiologist, for their knowledge, dedication and caring as they helped me to journey through this illness. I thank the Carol G. Simon Cancer at Morristown Memorial Hospital in Morristown, New Jersey for being a state-of-the-art facility with a gifted staff offering traditional and alternative techniques and support to patients fighting cancer. The support groups helped me cope with emotional, appearance and post treatment issues…thank you Jean Marie Rosone for all you do. I thank my husband, Art, and my sons, Josh and Joel for their care as I dealt with chemo and radiation and all the ups and down associated with it. And, and I cannot forget my friends who gave gentle hugs, provided meals and rides and laughter. 

I also have to thank all the supporters of Sing a Rainbow….the wonderful performers who have donated time and talent to offer wonderful evening of music; my volunteers without whom the many tasks associated with this event couldn't happen; the many vendors who made up our Rainbow Boutique and who, with other generous donors, provided a multitude of door prize; I thank business and private supporters who choose to be anonymous; and I thank all of you who attend this event along with my incredible Sing a Rainbow Volunteer Team.
Unfortunately, not everyone who is a cancer patient is a survivor. That is why I am counting on you to come out on Saturday, May 4, 2013. We need to continue cancer education, research and funding. We need to continue to provide the patient/family support to assist those affected by cancer to journey toward renewed health. Your presence is our way of saying there is hope and that there will one day be a cure. Be part of the cure.

With gratitude,

Sandy Rosenfield

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